
The Caritamo Foundation offers its physical and moral services through its volunteers. We build caring communities by connecting volunteers to the causes that need them. Our volunteer centers are your local leaders in community engagement. By joining our volunteer family, you are strengthening volunteerism and supporting voluntary organizations across the country in their works to offer social benefits and occasionally remunerations.

Our volunteer categories :

Academic programs
College and university students are able to register for an available position. We provide them the function and the certificate that their academic institution requires for their program.

Social involvement programs
In this program, people can get involve socially for an important cause, Immigrants can practice languages and to integrate in society and International students can accumulate job experiences for a potential job opportunity with us or for immigration. Moreover, with the accumulation of certain volunteer hours, the can apply for a stable job at Caritamo Foundation.

Government programs
In frame of social integration, governments offer programs and assistances with salary and remunerations to immigrants and people with intellectual or physical disabilities who want to work for us. If you belong to this category, you found our advertisements with effectual deadline; you can fill us the form below and we will contact you in a reasonable delay.

Our volunteer departments :

Management volunteers
Also called administrators, the management volunteers are at the core of the actions of Caritamo, each responsible for their own department. Similar to any other organization, these include :

VP Human Resources
VP Development
VP Operations
VP Finance
VP Communications
VP Community Initiatives
VP Artistic Initiatives
VP Marketing
VP Sponsor donations
VP Social activities and sports
VP Legal affaires
VP External Affairs

Administrator, Secretary
Administrator, Media representative
Administrator assistant

Social media volunteers
They are the face of Caritamo in the community. They are the spokespeople for the organization, in charge of presentations, social meeting, tabling at our various partners' sites, online advertisements, public announcing, recruitment events, etc.

Specific program volunteers
Specific program volunteers are the leaders and the direct reach to the children in our community. We are looking for dance, theater, visual arts and music teachers, sports coaches, academic tutors at elementary and high school levels.

Logistics volunteers
Logistics volunteers sit in at Caritamo meetings and assist in coming up with ideas for funding, recruitment, activities in the community, and overall improvement and solidification of the organization.

Fundraising volunteers
The role of this group is mainly to promote the donations either directly in the public or inside of our Fundraising programs. Our volunteers can be in charge of different responsibilities, where they can meet caring and enthusiastic people sharing a common interest in the well-being of children, making new friends, fulfill agreeable experiences and learn work skills.

Recreology and leisure volunteers
The role of this group is mainly to offer social support and active living and the benefits of recreation. We should provide recreational activities often in various structured educational programs, group, special event, teaching, relaxation, music, game, gym, exercise, physical education, multipurpose activities. These services are offered generally in collaboration with hospitals, medical research centers, orphanage institutions, boarding schools, children residences, community centers, religious institutions, etc.

Volunteer and employment general term
If you consider a stable job position inside of our organization; our volunteers are able to accumulate 80-120 hours, depending to the department and then they will be granted to apply for available permanent administrative positions.

Volunteer application deadline
All your application should be received by the November 1st 2016. Our positions are below :

Our organization is expanding very rapidly and we need volunteers to join us to meet the demands of the people in need. These are the various types of volunteering activities available. Please select which ones interest you the most.We are currently taking resumes to fill these very interesting positions!

Please fill out our online application form, or email your infrmations to careers@caritamo.org. Send us a quick message, an introduction about yourself, letting us know what sort of involvement you would like to have with us and under what category of volunteering you would like to donate your time. If one of our administrative positions interests you, send us your resume with an idea of your experience in the field you are interested in. Then, check your e-mail regularly for news from us!

Volunteer Application Form

Personal Information

Please fill out the form below. * are required fields.




Emergency Contact Information

Volunteer Experience


* If yes, please contact Caritamo directly for mandated/contracted volunteering.

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(*JPEG, GIF, & PNG* Supported)

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